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25 Random Things About Lisa

  1. I am a high school math and physics teacher.
  2. I have a ruptured L5/S1 disc in my back.
  3. I have a "high school diploma" from the National Guild in piano.
  4. I live in an Alden B. Dow house
  5. I usually wake up right before my alarm rings.
  6. I never shave my legs in the winter.
  7. I made the news before I was even mom made headlines for sueing a
    Michigan school system who told her resign from her teaching job because she was
    pregnant. My mom won.
  8. I labored and birthed two boys without pain meds.
  9. I have never gotten a speeding ticket.
  10. I managed to back into the mailman's truck even though I have a rear view camera
    in my van.
  11. I must clean the dishes (or at least put them in the dish washer) immediately
    after dinner.
  12. I love to ride my bike around the block.
  13. I am a follower of Christ. I need his forgiveness every day.
  14. Fall is my favorite season.
  15. I was my senior class president in high school.
  16. I prefer my beer to be at room temperature.
  17. I don't like to see movies more than once.
  18. I attended the inauguration of our 44th president.
  19. My favorite sweet is a powdered sugar covered, vanilla cream filled, Dunkin' Donut.
  20. I have traveled to 10 different countries.
  21. I read online reviews before I make almost any purchase.
  22. I still have a baby tooth.
  23. I buy cheap clothes but expensive shoes.
  24. I am very proud of my husband and boys.
  25. I over analyzed the making of this list.

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