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Windows Live Writer

This is a test.  I'm trying out Windows Live Writer.  Why?

  • It enables off-line editing
  • It has a WYSIWYG editor
  • It works with a bunch of different blog services like WordPress, Blogger, LiveJournal, TypePad, Moveable Type (what I use), etc.
  • It's free

From the Windows Live web site:

Windows Live Writer Beta is a desktop application that makes it easy to publish rich content to your blog.


Amie St

Via Techcrunch, this looks interesting...Amie Street:

Amie Street, which launched in July, has a brilliant DRM-free music sales model. Bands upload music, which can then be downloaded for free by users. As songs become popular, the site starts to charge for it. They start at $0.01 and go up to $0.99. Users looking for popular new stuff go right to the more expensive songs.


Via TechCrunch, this looks interesting: Streampad. From the description on TechCrunch:

...a Web-based media player that gives users access to their digital music library from any computer. Similar to Songbird, it streams your personal library from the Internet but it runs completely inside any browser. Streampad is a free service. Users download a Java desktop application that stores the metadata from all MP3 and AC3 files (protected and unprotected) it finds on your computer, including those that come from iTunes. Then, when that same user logs into Streampad from another computer, they can listen to music streamed directly from their home computer.

Chill in the Air

January may have been the warmest on record, but times may be tough for the nation's homeless this winter. From an article by Liz Szabo in USA Today:

...many advocates for the poor say they worry about people such as Hundley, predicting the nation's poor could face a bleak winter. Community charities across the country report that donations are down. Donors who gave generously to hurricane disaster relief now have less to give to local charities, experts say, especially because of rising prices for fuel, heat and other necessities. The decline in contributions couldn't come at a worse time for charities, which typically bring in half of their annual donations between Thanksgiving and New Year's, says Sandra Miniutti, spokeswoman for Charity Navigator. "Giving doesn't change much from year to year unless there is a drop in the economy," she says. Donors are giving less and less to groups that fight chronic problems, such as poverty and homelessness, Miniutti says. This year's slump follows several years of declines in giving to human services. Donations have decreased 13% since 2001, according to the Giving USA Foundation. Prices are rising for a number of essentials: • Home heating oil prices are expected to rise 27% this winter compared with last, with natural gas prices going up 41%, according to the Department of Energy. • Although gasoline prices have fallen since their peak of $3.06 a gallon after Hurricane Katrina, they are still 10% higher now than this time last year, according to AAA. • Food costs are inching up. Kraft Foods, for example, recently announced plans to raise the price of several of its products by an average of 3.9%. Those expenses are most punishing to people with lower incomes, because they spend a greater share of their salaries on essentials, says Stacy Palmer, editor of The Chronicle of Philanthropy.


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