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Lipscomb Goes Green

Today Lipscomb University announced that it's planning to build a "green" housing complex on campus.  From The Tennessean

Construction of an $8.2 million, 50,000-square-foot apartment-style complex with several environmentally-friendly features will begin Dec. 5 at Lipscomb University.

The housing, the first new student residences since 1983, is expected to open next fall and accommodate 168 students.

Don Johnson, facilities director, said the complex will be built with:
• geothermal heating and cooling
• low-emission paints and stains
• low-flow toilets, showers and kitchen faucets
• energy-efficient light fixtures
• native plant landscaping

When Lisa and I were at Lipscomb 1990-1994 we started aluminum and paper recycling programs on campus.  I don't know how long that lasted after we graduated...not long, I assume.  I'm glad to see Lipscomb going green, though Lisa isn't very impressed: "sounds only light green to me......would be more impressed with solar or wind energy usage"

By the way, on November 6 Mark Elrod issued a challenge to Harding, ACU, Lipscomb, Pepperdine, and Freed-Hardeman to make the list of 10 greenest colleges in America, and 3 weeks later Lipscomb responds.  Now that's what I call influence. ;-)

This comes on the heels of another green announcement from Lipscomb, but Elrod probably can't claim credit for that.  Also from The Tennessean:

Lipscomb University will offer the state's first degrees in environmental sustainability, university officials announced Thursday.

Through its newly-established Institute for Sustainable Practice, the school will offer a bachelor's degree in sustainability and a master's of business administration with a concentration in sustainability in 2008, Lipscomb spokeswoman Janel Shoun said.

The institute will also host the Summit for a Sustainable Tennessee, a meeting between environmental groups Tennessee Environmental Council and Tennessee Conservation Voters, Nov. 15-16.


Ethanol Production Consumes Six Units Of Energy To Produce Just One

Ethanol is one of the posterchildren for renewable fuels in the proposed energy bill, but according to the research of UC Berkeley geoengineering professor Tad W. Patzek, more fossil energy is used to produce ethanol than the energy contained within it."

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