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All Is Not Well... Saginaw High School.  They used metal detectors on Friday after a sophomore was shot in the chest during lunch hour on Thursday.

From Friday's article in The Detroit News:

A month ago, a drive-by shooter opened fire as hundreds of students were leaving the school's homecoming dance. A freshman and an eighth-grader were injured. Just weeks earlier, two teens attacked a police officer in the parking lot after a basketball game.  In August, security guards apprehended a freshman at the school who had a loaded .32-caliber handgun in his pants.  Last school year was similar.  Shots were fired in the parking lot during lunch hour in December. In May, a 17-year-old attempted to slash another student's throat with a utility knife in the halls. Across town at Arthur Hill High School, someone took aim with a shotgun as classes let out, blowing out the back window of a parked car.  Manley, a 33-year veteran of the school district, said disputes that begin in the community, on the streets, are carrying over into the schools.

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