Here's a blast from the past video of several of us playing basketball (presumably in Nashville) in late May 1997. It features Jayson Rawley, James Lashlee, Bill Alderson, David Wade, Peyton Crump, Prentice Cotham, Amy Queen, and me playing ball. Laura and Matt Sullivan and Scott Allen also appear. Lisa is the cameragal. I can't remember why all those folks were in Nashville at the same time (this was several weeks after Laura's graduation).
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Nice, I had totally
Nice, I had totally forgotten about this visit. Your collection of random media continues to impress me.
I'm about 3/4 of the way
I'm about 3/4 of the way through transferring all of the Moore and Birdwell family home videos to DVD, so that's why I'm finding all of this stuff.
If I was a betting man, I
If I was a betting man, I would bet Jayson still wears those same shorts.
Ben, Here's another video
Here's another video where you're the cameraman and make a brief cameo: link
lol...good ole Miller's
lol...good ole Miller's Creek. Those were days. My office buddies got a kick out of that.
What happened to me? I'm
What happened to me? I'm pretty sure that is the court off of Concord Road in Brentwood.