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Best Christian Albums has compiled a list of the best Christian albums of 2005. We've never been that into contemporary Christian music, but that seems to be changing. During 2005, we saw three of the artists from the "best of" list live in concert (Andrew Petersen, Sara Groves, and Jars of Clay).

#12 Ashley Cleveland - Men and Angels Say
#11 House of Heroes - House of Heroes
#10 Eisley - Room Noises
#9 Bart Millard - Hymned No. 1
#8 Andrew Peterson - The Far Country
#7 Jars of Clay - Redemption Songs
#6 4th Avenue Jones - Stereo: The Evolution of HipRockSoul
#5 Sara Groves - Add to the Beauty
#4 Mae - The Everglow
#3 David Crowder Band - A Collision or (3+4=7)
#2 Over the Rhine - Drunkard's Prayer
#1 Switchfoot - Nothing Is Sound

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