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Are you ready for some MORE football?

An interesting Time mag article about two new professional football leagues that are about to launch in the US is here: link

The eight-team United Football League (UFL), brainchild of financier and former USFL minority owner Bill Hambrecht, will play games during the NFL season on Fridays, when the NFL, and most colleges, are idle. The league will have teams in large metropolitan areas that have no NFL franchises, places like Los Angeles, Las Vegas, and maybe even Mexico City or London.

The other upstart, the fledging All American Football League (AAFL), has a very different model. Funded by San Diego entrepreneur Marcus Katz, the AAFL will play in college football hotbeds on otherwise sleepy spring Saturdays, and feature alums from big-time schools like the University of Florida and University of Tennessee on its pro teams. Katz, who made his fortune in the student loan business, grew up an avid University of Georgia football fan, and he's trying to profit from the love fans have for former college players. Since there aren't enough NFL spots for all the talented University of Florida football players, the thinking goes, why not have some of them come to Gainesville, suit up in Gator blue, and play for the Florida AAFL team? They'd face off against teams from Tennessee and Alabama, just like the good old days.


Recent Quotes from Finn

God didn't make me pretty...he made me cool!

Toots are poop signals.

Video of Finn Playing Soccer

Finn had a good time on the soccer field today too, scoring a goal and running really hard chasing the ball all over the field. Here are some videos so you can see what I mean:


gets it stolen, runs down field to take it back, runs back down the field but gets it stolen, runs to the other end again







nearly scores, smiles at the camera







gets pushed down







scores a goal







some good defense







skips, reacts to the other team scoring, makes an adjustment



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