
Over the Hedge

200px-Over_the_Hedge_DVD.jpgTonight we watched Over the Hedge (2006,PG) (ScreenIt! Review). From the ScreenIt! review:

A rascally raccoon cons a group of animals to help him collect human snack food that he needs to repay to a bear from which he earlier stole the same.

It was kinda cute. I give it 3 out of 5.

Mackinac Bridge

Last Sunday we went with the Lakrout and Wanous families to Mackinaw City for lunch, the beach near the Mackinac Bridge, and playing at a local park. Here are some photos and a video:




200px-RatatouillePoster2.jpgLast Tuesday evening we went to see Ratatouille (2007,G) (ScreenIt! Review). We enjoyed it. Finn said it was the funniest movie he has ever seen. It was pretty good. We happened to be going to see it with some friends from France, so that made the film's Paris setting a bit more interesting. From Wikipedia:

Ratatouille is a 2007 animated feature film produced by Pixar. It tells the story of Rémy (voiced by Patton Oswalt), a rat living in Paris who wants to be a chef.

I give it 4 out of 5.

Camping in Cheboygan

We spent last Saturday through Wednesday up north camping in Cheboygan State Park...visiting Mackinaw City and Mackinac Island (no clue why there is a diversity of spellings for "MACK-in-aw"). We drove up to Cheboygan on Saturday afternoon. We spent Sunday at the campground and in Mackinaw City with the Lakrout and Wanous families. On Monday we with the Lakrouts to Mackinac Island, hiking around the island, avoiding all the bicycles and horse manure, and touring the fort. On Tuesday we hiked to the lighthouse ruins in Cheboygan, played at a local park, and went to see Ratatouille. On Wednesday, we packed up and hit the road for home. The weather was quite good, but not really warm enough for swimming. We had a little rain, but not too much. While at the campground, the kids' four favorite activities were roasting marshmallows, playing Uno (and 21), the monkey bars, and "toilet tag." Wikipedia lists plethora of variants of tag, but "toilet tag" has not yet been identified. Toilet tag is an interesting variant of freeze tag. From

When a player is tagged, he/she must assume a toilet position (one knee on the ground and the other knee up, one arm straight out to the side). The tagged player must remain frozen in this position until they are rescued by another player. To be rescued, a player must sit on the knee of the frozen player, grab their straight arm and make a WHOOSH sound while pulling the arm down to simulate the flushing of a commode. Once a player flushes the toilet of a frozen player, the frozen player is freed.

The "WHOOSH" wasn't the only sound effect I heard them use during toilet tag, as you might imagine. Here are some photos from the campground: 20070701-090410.jpg

the monkey bars




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