
Theme Park RFID/DVD

From a BBC News article:

Visitors to Alton Towers could soon be tagged and tracked by cameras in a new system to video their entire day that could also tighten security. The Staffordshire theme park will offer entrants wrist bands containing tiny Radio Frequency Identification chips. Guests would be watched as they use the park and will be filmed on rides, which the creators say would also cut crime. At the end of the day they would then be given the option to buy the footage in a personalised DVD.

Coal to Diesel

A coal to diesel breathrough reportedly makes the process commercially-viable. See the press release here.


COC Attend Most

From an article by Bobby Ross Jr. in The Christian Chronicle:

Americans who give their religious affiliation as "Church of Christ" are more likely than any other group to attend weekly worship services, a new Gallup Poll reports. Sixty-eight percent of Church of Christ members interviewed by Gallup said they attend worship services at least once a week or almost every week, according to a poll released April 14. The analysis is based on an aggregate of more than 11,000 Gallup Poll interviews between 2002 and 2005, including 123 identified with the Church of Christ. Pollsters did not ask respondents to specify whether the churches were a cappella or instrumental. Denominations on the list included:

  • Mormons - 67 percent
  • Pentecostal - 65 percent
  • Southern Baptist - 60 percent
  • Catholic - 45 percent
  • Methodist - 44 percent
  • Presbyterian - 44 percent
  • Lutheran - 43 percent
  • Episcopal - 32 percent

Growing up, we were always a 3-times-a-week family, a trend that continued once I was on my own. A few years back, we started "forsaking" on Wednesday night because the 7 PM start didn't work nicely with our kids' bed time. Hebrews 10:25 was always the proof text regarding attendance: "Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as the manner of some is; but exhorting one another: and so much the more, as ye see the day approaching." As if there was no possible distinction between anything less than 100 % attendance and totally abandoning the practice of the assembly.

Sleep Deprived Teens

From a press release from the National Sleep Foundation:

In a national survey on the sleep patterns of U.S. adolescents (ages 11-17), NSF's 2006 Sleep in America poll finds that only 20% of adolescents get the recommended nine hours of sleep on school nights, and nearly one-half (45%) sleep less than eight hours on school nights. What's more, the poll finds that parents are mostly in the dark about their adolescents' sleep. While most students know they're not getting the sleep they need, 90% of parents polled believe that their adolescent is getting enough sleep at least a few nights during the school week. The poll indicates that the consequences of insufficient sleep affect nearly every aspect of teenage life. Among the most important findings:

  • At least once a week, more than one-quarter (28%) of high school students fall asleep in school, 22% fall asleep doing homework, and 14% arrive late or miss school because they oversleep.
  • Adolescents who get insufficient amounts of sleep are more likely than their peers to get lower grades, while 80% of adolescents who get an optimal amount of sleep say they're achieving As and Bs in school.
  • More than one-half (51%) of adolescent drivers have driven drowsy during the past year. In fact, 15% of drivers in 10th to 12th grades drive drowsy at least once a week.
  • Among those adolescents who report being unhappy, tense and nervous, 73% feel they don't get enough sleep at night and 59% are excessively sleepy during the day.
  • More than one-quarter (28%) of adolescents say they're too tired to exercise.


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