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Kurt Vonnegut passed away yesterday. I spent the summer of 1993 at the University of Central Florida. One of my roommates was Rob Wessel, a student from the University of North Carolina who claimed that his middle name was Elvis and never told me what his Bazooka Joe joke was. He loaned me Vonnegut's Hocus Pocus to read, and I enjoyed it. It was different from anything else I'd read before...more stream of consciousness...more creative punctuation (at least that's what I remember about it). Over the next few years I read the rest of his books as he became one of my favorite authors. God Bless You, Mr. Rosewater was probably his novel that I enjoyed most. Wessel also loaned me Sam Shepard's Seven Plays which I also really dug.


BookMooch 100 Most Wanted

Go here for a list of BookMooch's 100 most-wanted titles (the books I have no hope of mooching anytime soon).


Best Books of 2006

color_of_love.jpgI haven't read many books this year. Make that one: The Color of Love by Gene Cheek. It was gripping, especially since it occurred in my old stomping grounds. An amazing, sad, and tragic story. I wrote a little about it here. Hopefully my list will be a bit longer next year. The lists of others: NY Times "100 Notable Books of the Year" Slate's "The Year in Books"


Books I'm Trying to Give Away

Last night I added several more books that I'm trying to give away via Bookmooch. Here is a list of a few of them:

My full Bookmooch inventory is here.


BookMooch - New Life for Old Books

I'd like to recommend a web site: BookMooch. It was created by John Buckman who made a load of cash before the tech bubble burst and created Bookmooch as a sort of public service. From the BookMooch about page:

BookMooch is a community for exchanging used books. BookMooch lets you give away books you no longer need in exchange for books you really want. Give & receive: Every time you give someone a book, you earn a point and can get any book you want from anyone else at BookMooch. Once you've read a book, you can keep it forever or put it back into BookMooch for someone else, as you wish. No cost: there is no cost to join or use this web site: your only cost is mailing your books to others. Points for entering books: you receive a tenth-of-a-point for every book you type into our system, and one point each time you give a book away. In order to keep receiving books, you need to give away at least one book for every five you receive.

BookMooch is cool, though parting with books isn't one of my natural inclinations. The list of books I have available is here.



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