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3 out of 5

Nacho Libre

200px-Nachopost During my few days of bachelorhood a few weeks back I watched Nacho Libre (2006,PG) (ScreenIt! Review).  From ScreenIt!:

A Mexican orphanage cook moonlights at night as a wrestler in hopes of making a name for himself as well as money for the orphans under his care.

I definitely like Jack Black, but somehow I wasn't really feeling this one.

I give it 3 out of 5.

The Goonies

200px-The_Goonies Another featured film from a family movie night a month or two back was The Goonies (1985,PG).  From Wikipedia:

A band of kids from the "Goon Docks" neighborhood of Astoria, Oregon, hoping to save their homes from demolition, go on an adventure to find the buried treasure of One-Eyed Willy, a legendary 17th century pirate.

I remember enjoying this one when I saw it in the theater at age 13.  I wouldn't say it has aged all that well, which I guess isn't a big surprise.  I realize now that they must have saved some money on the script by inserting "Oh my God" every few lines.  The boys enjoyed it I think.

I give it 3 out of 5.

Evan Almighty

200px-Evan_almightymp1 Another recent family "movie night" featured Evan Almighty (2007,PG) (ScreenIt! Review).  From ScreenIt!:

A newly elected Congressman finds his personal and professional life disrupted when he gets the message from God to build an ark.

This was a cute one that everybody seemed to enjoy.  I give it 4 out of 5.

Born Free

Back in March we watched Born Free with the kids as "movie night."  Elliot had received the dvd from his grandmother for his birthday.  From Wikipedia:

Born Free is a 1966 film based upon the true-life 1960 international bestselling book written by Joy Adamson about herself, her game warden husband, George Adamson, and Elsa, the orphaned cub lioness they raised while living in Kenya, East Africa.

It was OK but fairly bland.  I give it 3 out of 5.

Alvin and the Chipmunks

Alvin_and_the_Chipmunks2007 Saturday night we watched Alvin and the Chipmunks (2007,PG) (ScreenIt! Review).  From the ScreenIt! review:

A struggling songwriter thinks he's hit pay dirt when he finds himself in the company of three chipmunks who can not only talk, but also sing in perfect, if high-pitched harmony.

It was OK.  I wondered if they skimped on the special effects because the munks at times didn't seem as well done as I'd have expected.  The boys enjoyed it, especially when someone was shaking his booty or making a rude noise.

I give it 3 out of 5.


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