published by Jonathan on Thu, 10/15/2009 - 23:04
An excerpt from a letter to the editor in today's Midland Daily News:
Ultimately I would say this (and I have said this to law enforcement officials and politicians alike): do you really think that once gay marriage is the law in every state, once the border has been opened to anyone and everyone who wants to come here, once boom boxes and loud motorcycles and gangster rap music are ubiquitous across the land — do you really think this country will be a better place to live?
Previous installments in this series:
published by Jonathan on Wed, 08/19/2009 - 23:59
Beck (2008) vs. Beck (2009)
published by Jonathan on Wed, 05/13/2009 - 23:25
» While conservatives understandably are exercised about the apparent double standard of Wanda Sykes filleting Limbaugh while Obama sat by grinning (what if it had been a Republican president and a liberal being attacked?), we should also try to imagine how conservatives would react to a liberal former VP enjoying his retirement by attacking the sitting conservative president. Well, we don't have to imagine. In today's article skewering Cheney, Dowd gives several examples of how conservatives responded in similar situations when the tables were turned. So, which way do I prefer it? I guess I'd lean towards everyone feeling free to speak their minds...but let's have some consistency. Don't freak out over a conservative making a joke in poor taste if you don't do the same when a liberal does it. Don't freak out about a liberal ex-leader criticizing the actions of a sitting president if you don't do the same when a conservative does it.
» Timothy Noah makes the case for why he thinks Republicans are sore losers in presidential politics.
» Real Life Twitter (h/t Mike Todd)
» Stewart impales Pelosi:
published by Jonathan on Mon, 04/27/2009 - 13:04
Last week our paper, the Midland Daily News, published a letter to the editor by Jeffrey D. Behr titled "World changing." After alluding to childhood trauma and thoughts of suicide, his reasons for writing letters to the editor despite the negative impact they might have on his business, and the ways he believes that the United States has become "perverse," Jeffrey ends his letter with with this fascinating paragraph:
We have elected Barack Hussein Obama to be our president. He and his wife are actually haters of America, bent on punishing anyone who disagrees with them and punishing America for slavery. My greatest prayer these days is that God will rise up our founders and give them a chance to make up for that terrible and evil mistake, giving them the power, utensils, equipment, command of animals, insects, viruses and bacteria. Their mission being to move over our great country and destroy all adult human beings who do not have authentic, good, honorable American spirits. When the smoke clears there would only be a remnant few still standing. People of all colors, sizes and shapes. Christians, Jews, Islamics, Catholics and agnostics too. We would at that point be the most powerful nation in the world in spite of the human loss.
The Founding Fathers raised from the dead and controlling the insects! Wow.
published by Jonathan on Fri, 03/27/2009 - 20:06
... of Sen. Chuck Grassley.
First he told an Iowa radio station that AIG executives ought to
...follow the Japanese model and come before the American people and take that deep bow and say I’m sorry, and then either do one of two things — resign, or go commit suicide.
Then he breaks out "that's what she said" during senate budget debate. Here is the video:
(h/t HuffPo)