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In Common with Cheney

Who would have guessed that I have so much in common with Cheney? We both have to have our ipods... From a story titled "Cheney's iPod Takes Top Priority on Extended Flight" by Karen Travers on

After a four-day overseas trip that took him to four countries in the Middle East, Vice President Dick Cheney really wanted to get his iPod charged for that long return flight to Washington. Since it is his plane, the vice president's iPod took priority and was plugged into one of the only working power outlets on Air Force Two, frustrating reporters who were trying to file stories. What's on that iPod that Cheney was so eager to charge it up and put on the headphones? The vice president's iPod library ranges from country to classical, according to an administration official. He has a good amount of music from the 1940s and 1950s (oldies but goodies) and apparently is fond of Johnny Cash.

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