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Facebook Embedded Video Bug

If there was bug in software as widely used as Facebook's embedded flash video and Internet Explorer 7 (I've also seen the bug with IE6) that would cause an "Object Required" error when closing the browser, you think that it'd be an important enough to promptly fix it.  You'd be wrong.

Since Facebook started offering HD video uploads, I've been using it for video embeds on the blog.  Before making the switch, I mostly used Google Video.  I like Facebook HD better than YouTube because it allows longer clips (max 20 minutes instead of 10), it doesn't have links to other (sometimes questionable) videos at the end, and Facebook seems to have enough server bandwidth to stream nicely (with YouTube, the video often downloads to slowly to play smoothly for me).  Plus, it's nice to have it right there in Facebook for friends to see.  That's why I've stuck with Facebook for embedding HD video rather using YouTube instead.  The actual uploading of videos is a pain.  I pretty much have no luck in the evenings.  It only works for me when I start an upload in the AM.

I don't use IE, but at some point recently I noticed the "Object Required"  bug. It can be really annoying on a page that has multiple embedded videos (like a blog home page).  At first I thought it was a Drupal problem, but the other night I did some googling and found something helpful.  Thankfully, someone's posted a workaround (link).  That helps but I haven't figured out how to use it on a page with multiple embeds that are included in different posts (like a blog home page) I have to just put links to the video in the main posts and the actual embedded videos on pages that aren't promoted to the main page.  It's not the best solution, but it's better than nothing.

Facebook, Microsoft, whoever is to blame...please fix it.

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