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Fort Pulaski

pulaskistamp.jpgOn the afternoon of Saturday Dec 23rd, we toured Fort Pulaski. From Wikipedia:

Fort Pulaski National Monument is located between Savannah and Tybee Island, Georgia. It preserves Fort Pulaski, notable as the place where, during the American Civil War, in 1862, the Union Army successfully tested a rifled cannon. The success of the test rendered brick fortifications obsolete. The fort was also used as a prisoner-of-war camp. The National Monument includes most of Cockspur Island (containing the fort) and all of adjacent McQueens Island.

One of the highlights was the canon demonstration. Also, there were a few guys playing baseball with old-timey gear. From the National Park Service's web site for Fort Pulaski:

Members of the 48th New York Volunteers occupying Fort Pulaski played baseball to pass the time. One of the first photographs taken of the game of baseball was captured at Fort Pulaski in 1863.

FOPU_baseball.jpg Here are some photos: 20061223-133308.jpg


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