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A Game of Thrones

thrones A while back on old friend recommended George R. R. Martin's A Song of Ice and Fire series.  When I heard that the first book, A Game of Thrones, was set to become TV series on HBO, I bumped it up to the top of the "To Read" list.

From Wikipedia:

The series is set in a fictitious world reminiscent of Medieval Europe, primarily on a continent called Westeros. In this world the seasons can last for many years, sometimes decades.

I enjoyed it.  It's been quite a while (nearly 20 years?) since I'd read anything similar (Stephen R. Donaldson? I take that back; I read a couple of Donaldson books during the last few years).  I read much of Thrones during a day and a half I spent in bed with back pain.

I give it 4 out of 5.


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