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God hates jealousy!

There was another interesting blog entry by Krister that I can relate to.  It's about how, for some strange reason, everyone else's faults are so much more important and bad than our own.  Here's an excerpt:

Because I'm not really a big drinker, I can't identify with drunkenness. I may tend to put alcoholics in a different category of sin than those who are simply angry people. I've experienced anger, though, so I decide that because anger is more common it receives less condemnation. Gal. 5:19-21 includes a vice list that is made up of activities and feelings that Paul himself says are indicative of a people who will not inherit the kingdom of God. Somewhere in there are items like jealousy, anger, quarrels, dissensions, factions, etc. Do we not experience this in our churches each and every Sunday? Where are the picket signs that read "God hates jealousy!" or "God hates quarrels!"? These hit too close to home for us and are therefore overlooked as inconsequential. It's so much easier to condemn when we have not experienced one of the other sins in the lists from Romans 1 or Gal. 5 or 1 Cor. 5.


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