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Ice vs Toilet Water

BK.jpgFrom an article titled "Girl's Science Project May Make You Rethink That Drink Order" by Michele Sager on

Benito Middle School student Jasmine Roberts examined the amount of bacteria in ice served at fast food restaurants. The 12-year-old compared the ice used in the drinks with the water from toilet bowls in the same restaurants. Jasmine said she found the results startling. "I thought there might be a little bacteria in the ice, but I never expected it to be this much," she said. "And I never thought the toilet water would be cleaner." Her discovery: Seventy percent of the time, the ice had more bacteria than the toilet water. Of the bacteria found in the ice, three out of the five restaurants tested positive for fecal coliform or E. coli, organisms that come from the feces of warm-blooded animals.

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