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Jack's Special Salsa

salsa.jpgGarden Fresh Salsa Inc.'s "Jack's Special Salsa" is my new favorite, after being recommended to use by some friends from church. Give it a try if you can find it in your local grocery. There's a good article about the company in The Detroit News, including tales of salsa secret thievery and the fun fact that salsa has now passed ketchup as America's number one condiment.

Aronson ruefully recalls hiring two men in 1999 and entrusting them with some of his secret recipes. The pair -- Charles Maiorana and David Kernya -- set up a partnership and corporation, Buddies Foods, while still employed at Garden Fresh Gourmet. They also contacted Garden Fresh's customers about their line of products, all suspiciously like Garden Fresh Gourmet and similarly packaged. "It was quite a coincidence," said Aronson. Garden Fresh Gourmet filed a lawsuit against the pair in 2003 alleging unfair competition and theft of trade secret recipes. An Oakland Circuit Court jury found in favor of Garden Fresh Gourmet for more than $500,000 in damages. Since that verdict Maiorana has filed for bankruptcy. Garden Fresh had to file another lawsuit recently against the company when it was determined that a third partner existed. Buddies Foods is specifically enjoined from using a particular brand of tomatoes and vinegar used in Garden Fresh products.


do you have anymore information about the garden fresh lawsuit filed against charles maiorana and david kernya

Nope, all I know is what I quoted from the article.

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