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The Journalist and the Jihadi: The Murder of Daniel Pearl

Last Wednesday I finished watching this documentary. From the film's page on HBO's web site:

Daniel Pearl and Omar Sheikh were both highly educated individuals from privileged backgrounds who saw the world very differently. Pearl was a humanist who became an accomplished journalist and spent most of his career reporting from the Muslim world as part of a quest to promote cross-cultural understanding. Sheikh was radicalized by events that he regarded as the global persecution of Muslims, and became an Islamic militant who chose a deeply violent method to achieve what he believed in. After 9/11, their paths crossed in Pakistan, with tragic consequences.

I remember hearing about Daniel Pearl at the time of his kidnapping and murder. I didn't realize that he was purchased from his original kidnappers by another group that filmed his murder and left his body for the original kidnappers to dispose of. Of course, this is a very sad story. I give the film 4 out of 5.

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