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200px-Junoposter2007 Last night we decided to stay up late and take advantage of being in a major metropolitan area with grand-babysitters.  We went to see Juno (2007,PG-13) (ScreenIt! review).  From Wikipedia:

Juno is a Golden Globe-nominated 2007 comedy film from Fox Searchlight, starring Ellen Page as the titular character, a sharp-tongued teen confronting an unplanned pregnancy by her classmate Paulie Bleeker (Michael Cera).

It was fantastic.  Lots of laughs and a variety of good messages.  The film's namesake channels Sarah Silverman a little too much (the witty snarkiness, not the gross-out), but I was very glad that the film didn't go for the cliche car accident that I kept expecting (when you see it coming, don't worry cause it ain't).

I give it 5 out of 5.

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