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The Last Kiss

200px-Last_kiss_movie_poster.jpgOn the flight from Detroit to Amsterdam a couple weeks back, one of the films I watched was The Last Kiss (2006,R) (ScreenIt! Review). From the Wikipedia description:

The Last Kiss is a 2006 film which is based on the 2001 Italian film L'ultimo bacio, directed by Gabriele Muccino. The film stars Zach Braff, Jacinda Barrett, Casey Affleck and Rachel Bilson. The screenplay was written by Paul Haggis, and directed by Tony Goldwyn. The plot revolves around a young couple and their friends struggling with adulthood and issues of relationships and commitment. Much of the movie was filmed in and around Madison, WI.

I enjoyed it. Somehow it reminds me of films like All the Real Girls...budding relationships, issues of fidelity and infidelity, etc. Somehow films like that resonate with me. I give it 4 out of 5.

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