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Leadership in Churches

At Salt and Light, there's an interesting passage about leadership in churches from the recently-published book "Seeking A Lasting City" by ACU professors Love, Foster, and Harris.  It describes how leadership has transitioned from the "authoritarian" model to that of the corporate board, the "...careful decision-maker who seeks to be sensitive to the needs and desires of a constituency." 

The authors argue:

So now the question about potential leaders is not about quality of their strategic thinking ability, but about the quality of their prayer lives and attentiveness to God. People long for this kind of leadership. Today most people can make their own decisions and generally want to do so.....congregations can learn to self-govern....but we all desire the relationship with that person who can guide us into the depths of the heart of God. We all need that spiritual friend and guide...The time for a board of directors approach has passed. The key to leadership in our churches today is ethical, holy living; what we desperately need now are spiritual guides. Will our leaders hear the call?"


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