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Lisa's New Bike, Garden Area and Clothesline



This is a Trek Pure bike.  It has a very comfortable upright seating position.  The bike geometry is non-traditional with its pedal forward design.  I am able to keep my feet on the ground while seated and still get proper leg extension while pedaling.  The basket was extra....perfect for trips to the market.






I find hanging laundry out to dry to be a very relaxing activity.  Jonathan and a friend from church finished this for me a few weeks ago.  No complaints from the neighbors yet. 







Jonathan and I made six 4' by 8' plots.  Next spring, I plan to use 4 of them for veggies and herbs, one for shade perennials, and one for a cutting garden of Gladiolas.  Right now I have planted chinese cabbage, kolhrabi, beets, and spinach seeds for a fall garden.




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