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Look Mom I'm Flying!!!!

This is another funny (kind of scary) story involving Finn. Elliot, Finn and I (Lisa) were headed out to take Elliot to his Tae Kwon Do practice. I had finally gotten the boys out of the house (a difficult task these days with all the snow gear). We stepped outside and noticed the garage door was still down so with the boys by my side I entered the code into the key pad to open the door. As the door was opening I took a few steps over to Elliot to help him zip his coat (I think) and I heard Finn calling "Look mom I'm flying"...... I didn't immediately look because I was preoccupied with whatever I was doing with Elliot. A split second later I heard a much more urgent cry "mom, mom, help". Thankfully I decided to turn and look to see Finn rising above the ground holding on to the handle on the garage door. In the split second it took me to take the 2 steps to his rescue he was just about to reach the top of the opening......I had to quickly grab him by his legs to get him down before he was gobbled up. Why the door didn't stop lifting when it felt his weight, I do not know. All I know is we are very blessed he didn't get hurt! Still shaken up on the way to Tae Kwon Do, I lectured both boys on how dangerous that was and how we were very lucky we weren't heading to the hospital right now because Finn would have really gotten hurt falling from such a great height. Finn promptly replied, "Don't worry mom, I would have landed on my feet."


Finn is definitely the venturesome type.

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