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Marital (In)Fidelity

The Matthew 25 Network has released a video spot (h/t The Brody File) that emphasizes Obama's fidelity to his wife and family and implicitly how that contrasts with McCain (who left his first wife for his current one despite the fact that she had been seriously injured in a car accident).  Some folks question Obama's character based, for example, on associations with Jeremiah Wright, Bill Ayers, Tony Rezko, etc.  On the other hand, folks don't seem to be too concerned about what McCain's infidelity says about his character.

Here's the Obama ad:

Cenk Uygur (The Young Turks: link) raised the comparison of Edward's actions with McCain's, and when Alan Colmes did the same it apparently sparked some debate on Fox News (Newshounds: link, link).  Here's a link to an LA Times article that describes how McCain's relationships with the Reagans and others were seriously strained by how he treated his first wife (link).














Speaking of Edwards, I don't have too high expectations for Limbaugh, but the other day he went way, way out of bounds while speculating on what motivated Edwards to cheat on Elizabeth (Media Matters: link).


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