» I was bummed to hear that This I Believe was being dropped from NPR but then glad to hear that the project and podcast will continue.
» This guy (Major David Frakt, Air Force Reserves judge advocate and defense counsel in the Pentagon’s Office of Military Commissions, guest on "On Point" in January in an episode on Closing Guantanamo) must get a lot more jokes about his name in the post-BSG era
» I was disappointed to hear that Reaper won't be coming back for a 3rd season...also worried that Life may suffer the same fate.
» Situations like this (link) give civil rights efforts a bad name. New Haven, CT, gave their firefighters a test to determine who was qualified to be promoted. Then they threw out the results because it would have meant that no blacks and few Hispanics would have been promoted this time. Either they should be ashamed for giving a test that did a lousy job of judging worthiness for firefighter promotion...or they were embarrassed by the results and would rather promote to leadership roles people who are less prepared to lead in the life-or-death job of firefighting than face the apparent reality that there happened to be no blacks and few Hispanics who are currently ready to be promoted in the New Haven fire department. It's not hard to understand why folks get upset when we discriminate in the name of eliminating discrimination. Let's get rid of racial and other pernicious forms of discrimination, but I don't think this helps.
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