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More infant deaths with elective C-sections

From a Reuters article of the same title (sub-titled "Procedure has three times higher mortality rate than babies born vaginally") on

A new study has found a higher risk of infant deaths among infants born by Caesarean section to mothers who have no medical need for the procedure. While C-sections have saved the lives of "countless" women and babies, and the risk of infant death is still very low, it is crucial to determine the reasons for the higher infant mortality seen with C-section, because the rates of this surgery are becoming increasingly common, Dr. Marian F. MacDorman of the National Center for Health Statistics at the Centers for Disease Control in Hyattsville, Maryland and colleagues conclude. Rates of Caesarean have risen steadily in the U.S., from 14.6 percent of all first-time births in 1996, to 20.6 percent in 2004, MacDorman's group notes in the September issue of Birth.


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