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I Want to Retire

I've had a little trouble during this past week. Last weekend while I was cleaning out our basement, I came across a burned cd "slideshow" of one of Elliot's pre-school classes. Seeing the cd reminded me of Elliot at pre-school, his pre-school graduation, etc. For some reason that stopped me in my tracks and made me extremely sentimental about my two little I want to take a 15-year break from work and spend every minute that I possibly can with these two kids.


I love what you said, and you could not be more right. My girls are all but grown up. My oldest is nearly 21, married, on her own. My next one is 19, and keeping steady company with a hairy legged man. My baby girl is 17, and acts like she's 30. They are grown, for all practical purposes. For my birthday earlier this month, my youngest gave me a framed picture of her and me when she was a little thing, and she would sneak out of bed when she smelled the popcorn I was cooking. She would stand there, tenaciously, in her footie pajamas, sneaking her hand into the popcorn bowl ever so carefully, in case I noticed she was up and sent her back to bed. I think eventually she figued out that I knew she was there all along, and we still laugh about that today when we cook popcorn.Retire. Now. You can always work. But your boys will only be little for a short time.

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