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What about Wednesday nights?

From an article titled "News - Some churches replace services with service" by Tamie Ross in The Christian Chronicle:

Across the nation, some congregations are replacing traditional Sunday night or Wednesday night services with projects designed to serve their communities, the Chronicle found. Steve Sandifer, pastoral care minister at the Southwest Central church in Houston, refers to Sundays as class time. Wednesdays, he says, are lab. "It's a time to put into practice what some of us have been learning for 20, 30, even 50 years," Sandifer said of Café Grace, which is "open for your spiritual refreshment" from 6:30 to 9 p.m. each Wednesday. Immigrants come to the church not only to sip fresh cups of coffee, tea and lemonade, but also to study English as a second language - part of the congregation's effort to reach out to its community. "Café Grace started as an experiment, but now is our answer to a mid-week slump," Sandifer said. Looking to stem attendance declines blamed on work-weary commuters, tired young families and those otherwise crunched for time, many congregations are looking for ways to make Sunday and Wednesday nights more relevant. Some say the solution is replacing services with service.


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