Thursday night we watched The Painted Veil (2006,PG-13) (ScreenIt! Review), the first film we've watched together in a while (with the kids going to bed so late in the summer, we have to stay up late ourselves to fit in a film). From ScreenIt!:
An adulterous, 1920s era wife must contend with being forced by her angry husband to accompany him to a remote Chinese village where he hopes to treat cholera victims.
Lisa's comment as the film ended:
Books based on novels always have a terrible ending.
By terrible, she meant “tragicâ€, not “of poor quality.†In fact, Lisa apparently enjoyed the film because I noticed it was added to her list of movie favorites (joining Juno, Hotel Rwanda, Running on Empty, The Graduate, and Stand By Me) on Facebook. I give it 4 out of 5.
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