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...characterizing Obama's plan to tax the nation's top earners at 39 percent instead of 36 percent as socialist is absurd. Dwight Eisenhower taxed top earners at 91 percent. Richard Nixon taxed them at more than 50 percent. Even Ronald Reagan didn't lower the top marginal rate to less than 50 percent until the last two years of his second term. Were these Republicans secret socialists, too?

- Andrew Romano (link)



The problem with the Obama tax plan is that it is, at its core designed to redistribute wealth, a primary aspect of Marxism and Communism. The goal of taxation ought to be to raise the necessary revenue to fund the various aspects of Government. Obama never got around to making this point to “Joe the plumber” I would assume because that was not his tax plan’s primary purpose.

Posted by J's D | Tuesday, October 28th, 2008 at 2:50 AM

"...literally having any government at all involves taking somebody's money and giving it to somebody else...Even the more restrictive definition of redistribution--using government to create a less unequal distribution of wealth--has been going on for a century. If McCain is really opposed to redistribution, then that means he thinks the rich should get back a dollar in spending for every dollar they pay in taxes." For the record, he doesn't; his proposed income-tax structure is still progressive in nature, meaning that it taxes the affluent at a higher rate than the less affluent. And McCain still plans to channel tax dollars into government programs--Social Security, Medicare, etc.--that disproportionately benefit people who pay lower taxes. Again, you may prefer McCain's plan to "redistribute" the wealth to Obama's. By all means. But not because one is socialist and the other isn't.

- Andrew Romano (link)

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