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Thin People's Habits

From a story titled "Lose Weight by Following the Habits of Thin People" on

Thin people favor bulky foods. Foods with a high-water content, such as fruits, vegetables, water-based soups and stews, and cooked whole grains fill you up but are low in calories. These types of food also tend to contain a lot of fiber, which also has a satiating effect. Start your meal with a soup or a salad... Thin people don't skip meals. When you're starving, it's much more difficult not to overeat. Thin people don't skip breakfast...A recent study published in the Journal of the American Dietetic Association showed that people who ate breakfast were less likely to be overweight than those who didn't. Thin people watch portion sizes. Thin people take a look at what's on their plate and make sure that what they see consists mostly of fruits, vegetables and lean proteins. They also make sure to limit the amount that they eat in one sitting by buying just a single serving's worth of food and using smaller-than-normal plates. Thin people don't sit still.


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