Last week Scott Freeman tagged me as a "thinking blogger". It's now my turn to tag 5 blogs that make me think. Several of my favorites have already been tagged (Freeman, Elrod, GKB, etc) Scott Adams - Dilbert Blog I get a kick out of Adams' cartoons but somehow I was surprised by how engaging his blog was. Fred Peatross - Abductive Columns it's all about the missional. Phil Wilson's Blog - nice variety of topics...from Heroes/BSG to faith to kids, etc...lots I have in common we must have been at Lipscomb at the same time cause I recognize his mug James Wiser - Books, Beaches, & Blather James ain't the most prolific of bloggers, but he's always got something interesting to say. He's the one that first got me hooked on the COC blogging community when my mother-in-law sent me a link. From there it was GKB, TS, Freeman, Elrod, and so on. The other thing IIve enjoyed from the COC blogs is the glimpses of life at Pepperdine, Harding, ACU...where are the Lipscomb bloggers? Justin Mundie - Growing Up I first met Justin in the comments on Freeman's blog. My first impression there was that he was a bit over the top. I enjoy his blog and his perspectives and the fact that we often disagree.
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re: Thinking Blogger Awards
Wow, to be on the same list as the great Justin Mundie. I can't decide whether to be flattered or insulted. ;-)
re: Thinking Blogger Awards
haha. flattered is definitely the adjective you're looking for phil.and jon, I appreciate it. And i am over the top sometimes. Occasionally, you have to be to get people's attention, right?