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Torture Is Always Wrong

From an article titled "5 Reasons Torture is always Wrong" by David P. Gushee in Christianity Today:

  1. Torture violates the dignity of the human being.
  2. Torture mistreats the vulnerable and violates the demands of justice.
  3. Authorizing torture trusts government too much.
  4. Torture dehumanizes the torturer.
  5. Torture erodes the character of the nation that tortures.

It is past time for evangelical Christians to remind our government and our society of perennial moral values, which also happen to be international and domestic laws. As Christians, we care about moral values, and we vote on the basis of such values. We care deeply about human-rights violations around the world. Now it is time to raise our voice and say an unequivocal no to torture, a practice that has no place in our society and violates our most cherished moral convictions.

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