So what's with all the "trunk-or-treat" and "harvest festivals" taking place on Halloween night at churches in Midland? Halloween is an event where neighbors can take time to come out of their homes to have conversation, check-up on each other, and show hospitality to children. Most churches offer events of fellowship for their members on a regular basis. Forums for fellowship with those that you see driving in-and-out of the neighborhood driveways everyday are not as easy to come by. As a Christian, I know I should be available and connecting with my neighbors throughout the year. I am ashamed that my busy life inhibits my doing this properly. I am disappointed, however, that many churches in the area (my own included) are making an effort to pull their members away from a traditional and comfortable opportunity to reach out to their neighbors. My light will be on this Halloween as I take part in this festive occasion for making those friendly connections that I should be making all year. I challenge you, Midland-area Christians, to embrace Halloween as an opportunity to be a blessing to your neighbors. You can fellowship with your church friends next Sunday.
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re: Trunk or Treat?
When we were in Alabama, we had a Trunk or Treat each year, but it was not on Halloween night, so you could do both.Our church here is having one on Halloween night - which I didn't like - but we will still be doing both neighborhood and this event. The church has, however, been inviting surrounding neighborhoods to attend as well, and I understand there has been some response, although I don't know how much.
re: Trunk or Treat?
Having it on a different night is really the only solution. When scheduled during the traditional trick-or-treat time frame, the children may be able to engage in both activities (given their parents are willing to provide transportation) but the congregation members that are sitting in the parking lots with their trunks of candy are not at home greeting their neighbors. Of course, each family can leave a member behind to answer to door but then that contradicts the idea of a "family event" at the church building. I just don't get the point of purposely planning an activity during that particular time slot.
re: Trunk or Treat?
This is an attempt to divert the focus from Halloween. Our neighbors in Brighton lead a Church of God church and never let their children participate in any Halloween activities. But they did have a party at their church on Halloween night where they dressed up.
re: Trunk or Treat?
Hey - where's pictures of the trick or treaters? I am anxious to see what the boys dressed up as. Hurry!