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From the Tumblelog February 5-11, 2012

Feb 11

twittericonWatching Breaking Dawn Part 1 with Lisa

twittericonRT @paulspivey: "most important election of our lifetime". Either the stakes magically increase every four years or we weren't supposed to live this long. » Remembering Roger Boisjoly: He Tried To Stop Shuttle Challenger Launch

Feb 10

twittericonRT @JenTB: This whole birth control thing falsely presumes that the moral agent in question is the employer. #womenarehuman

yelpI checked in at Midland Community Center (2205 Jefferson Ave)

newsRules Requiring Contraceptive Coverage Have Been In Force For Years - Kaiser Health News

Feb 9

yelpI checked in at Midland Country Club (1120 W Saint Andrews Rd)

Feb 8

newsRepublican congressman falls victim to old Onion article - Political Hotsheet - CBS News

Feb 5

yelpI checked in at Ruby Tuesday Restaurant (6800 Eastman Ave Ste 500)

yelpI checked in at Wheeler Road Church of Christ (1123 E Wheeler St)


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