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From the Tumblelog July 11-July 17, 2010

Jul 17

newsAdams: Players in bar brawl also hurt teammates


newsA radical idea for airline security

twittericonWith Larry Bird at the Hall of Fame


twittericonBasketball Hall of Fame


Jul 16

newsThinkGeek adds “Mayor of Your Mom” Foursquare shirt, and it’s pretty fly

newsSize matters (at least for stimulus)

Jul 15

newsDo conservatives care about the deficit? Do Democrats?


twittericonMystic Seaport

Jul 14

twittericonLate afternoon swim


twittericonCT Science Center

newsWe Have A Crisis. Does Anyone Give a Damn?

Jul 13

news'A Chart That Screams, "Extend Unemployment Benefits!" '

You’ll have to excuse me for simply stealing Daniel Indiviglio’s headline for this chart, but it’s really the right way to introduce it:

job openings vs jobless 2010-05-thumb-570x326-29516.png

“That giant gap consists of Americans who are unemployed and couldn't get a job even if they wanted to…

newsThe saddest senator: Why John McCain has become so painful to watch. - By Jacob Weisberg - Slate Magazine


newsWe Have A Crisis. Does Anyone Give a Damn?

Jul 12

twittericonconcert in downtown Hartford

Jul 11

twittericonThe view from the back porch


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