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From the Tumblelog July 24-30, 2011

Jul 29

facebookLisa: The boys and I are wondering why there is only one female smurf. What happened to Mama?

Jul 28

twittericonDeath Cab for Cutie at the Fox in Detroit

newsWhy the Debt Crisis Is Even Worse Than You Think - BusinessWeek

twittericonRT @daveweigel: Last time Republicans were this angry at McCain, he was saying Bush tax cuts were irresponsible and pointless. Ahem.

Jul 26

newsDon't spray sunscreens on kids, at least for now

twittericonRT @joshgraves: Help me spread the word. Local musician extraordinare, Andrew Peterson is performing @ottercreek tomorrow night at 630pm. Please retweet

twittericonhalf boo. it was ice cream truck stuff, not ice cream they made.

twittericonheading to the parking lot to get some ice cream from Great Lakes

newsConservative Plan to Cap Federal Spending Masks Massive Cuts

Jul 25

newsTea Party to hold camp for kids at local church

newsReid accepts ransom note's terms, confuses GOP

newsIn response to Norway attacks, right-wing bloggers suddenly demand nuance

Jul 24

foursquareI checked in at Pi's Asian Express (5015 Eastman Ave)

foursquareI checked in at Wheeler Road Church of Christ (1123 E Wheeler St)

newsReport: No 'Hard Knocks' on HBO this season


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