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From the Tumblelog November 13-19, 2011

Nov 19

newsAfter pepper-spraying incident, UC Davis redesigns website - Boing Boing

twittericonwatching Captain America: The First Avenger with the boys

twittericonSanta parade

facebookLisa: This is the longest Santa parade ever!

facebookLisa: Looking for Santa


facebookLisa: Santa Claus is coming to town

Nov 18

twittericonWatching Mr. Mom with the boys.

twittericonRT @sppeoples Cain defends foreign policy stumbles. Says knowing every detail isn't important: "We need a leader, not a reader." #2012 #fitn

newsPolitical Animal - Thomas Friedman, the White House will return your calls

newsxkcd: Wisdom of the Ancients

Nov 17

facebookLisa: watching old family feuds with the sick elliot - am pretty sure the contestants are tipsy AND that Richard Dawson sure does get lots of on the lips kisses.

facebookLisa: home with a sick elliot

newsCarpenter one of 123 in state named 'Beating the Odds' schools - Midland Daily News

newsDangerous justice: On being silenced at church « Amos House Community

twittericonbasking in the glow of 2 consecutive 50+ words: quaint and gamey

twittericonElliot tweets: My lax head


Nov 15

twittericonwatching Nova's "Fabric of the Cosmos" with the boys

Nov 14

newsMitt's OK with waterboarding

newsThe Bonus Army: How A Protest Led To The GI Bill

newsRod Dreher » The head-twirling Herman Cain

twittericonRT @JohnFugelsang The Walking Dead's a show about heroic zombies trying to stop self-indulgent humans from having an annoying soap opera.

newsRod Dreher » This is how Occupy ends

facebookLisa: Looking forward to this - comes out the day before my birthday.

Nov 13

foursquareI checked in at Wheeler Road Church of Christ (1123 E Wheeler St)


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