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From the Tumblelog September 11-17, 2011

Sep 16

facebookLisa: canning tomatoes with jeannie moore

newsWe recovered and restored the original film elements of Nirvana performing the final night of the North American “Nevermind” tour on Halloween of 1991

twittericonhot air balloons


newsYou Can Be Compassionate Without Supporting Big Government

twittericonElliot tweets: Watching the newest #Alphas

Sep 15

twittericonmy subscription to the "New England Journal of Some Lady I Just Met" has lapsed

newsPat Robertson Tells Man To Divorce Wife With Alzheimer's

newsIslamic Center, Lipscomb team for fast

Sep 14

newsAre jobs obsolete? - CNN

newsWhy libertarianism fails in health care

Sep 13

newsThe Five Biggest Problems Facing America

news*that* guy: Call me crazy, but I kind of want to track down this David Thorne guy and force him to be my…

Sep 12

newsRepublicans Loved Stimulus When Bush Was in the White House

newsChart of the day: America’s surprisingly tiny small-business sector

newsMy 9/11 Story: I have tweeted a few times in the past about seeing a Muslim guy who rides past my house on…

twittericonElliot tweets: My prediction is not looking to good right now

twittericonElliot tweets: #Steelers vs. Ravens. Prediction of final score 56-0. In favor of the Steelers

twittericonElliot tweets: Yesterday i had my first football game of the season. We did not have enough players so i had to play the whole game. We lost 28-0

twittericonElliot tweets: I played tennis yesterday. I did not realize how FUN it is!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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