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Walking on Ice

When Jesus was walking on water, was he really walking on ice? From a story by Sara Goudarzi on

Rare conditions could have conspired to create hard-to-see ice on the Sea of Galilee that a person could have walked on back when Jesus is said to have walked on water, a scientist reported Tuesday. The study, which examines a combination of favorable water and environmental conditions, proposes that Jesus could have walked on an isolated patch of floating ice on what is now known as Lake Kinneret in northern Israel.

It's an interesting hobby, I guess...searching for natural explanations for the many supernatural events described in the Bible. Sure, some more or less far-fetched explanation could be concocted for each individual event, but it's not likely there's only only one or two of them. It's be quite a coincidence if all of the supernatural events described in the Bible each happened to have a natural explanation. Take them at face value and believe them or not...don't try to make them more believable.


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