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What's Happening to Churches of Christ?

church_of_christ_state.gif That's Joe Beam's diagrammatic representation from the Grace Centered Magazine web site describing what he thinks is going on in the churches of Christ. To me, his analysis seems to be right on. The article goes into great detail. I think it's probably several years old, but it's exact age wasn't obvious to me. It's an interesting read. His conclusions:

Ultimately things will occur as God wills. I'm not a prophet, just an observer. Division is already occurring and will be very pronounced within 3 to 8 years unless wise leaders in the Traditional churches disregard Zealots. Neither the Opens, Cautious, or Satisfieds are driving this division; Zealots are. They accomplish it through their continually tightening rules of fellowship that Satisfieds are accepting. They will never see that but will believe the split was caused by the Opens who led their churches to become Innovative. Our greatest enemy isn't going beyond clear New Testament doctrine. It is making laws where God never did and chaining our great brotherhood from its task by those laws.

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