My unintentional and occasional series of posts about Lipscomb contemporaries on the national scene continues tonight with J. Holland Moore. Previous installments included David French and Shannon Terry. Tonight's subject is the "other John Moore," affectionately known by the nickname "Barley." I recently got back in touch with him via Linked In. Unlike French and Terry, JHM was actually someone I was friends with at Lipscomb. After spending some time working in TV in Nashville, he's spent the last few years in Hollywood writing, producing, and miscellaneous crewing on various TV shows. You can see the list on his IMDB profile here.
Writer: 1. "Pros vs. Joes" (1 episode, 2007) - Kordell Stewart Gets Revenge on the Refs (2007) TV Episode (writer) 2. The Teen Choice Awards 2006 (2006) (TV) 3. "Fresh Baked Video Games" (2006) TV Series (unknown episodes) 4. "Invasion Iowa" (2005) TV Series (unknown episodes) 5. "Joe Schmo 2" (9 episodes, 2004) - Finale (2004) TV Episode (writer) - T.J. Needs T.P. (2004) TV Episode (writer) - Cruiser (2004) TV Episode (writer) - Requiem for a Frog (2004) TV Episode (writer) - Porked and Beans (2004) TV Episode (writer) (4 more) 6. "The Joe Schmo Show" (9 episodes, 2003) - Episode #1.9 (2003) TV Episode (writer) - Episode #1.8 (2003) TV Episode (writer) - Episode #1.7 (2003) TV Episode (writer) - Episode #1.6 (2003) TV Episode (writer) - Episode #1.5 (2003) TV Episode (writer) (4 more) 7. "Mohr Sports" (2002) TV Series (writer) Producer: 1. "Fresh Baked Video Games" (2006) TV Series (co-executive producer) (unknown episodes) 2. "Master of Champions" (2006) TV Series (consulting producer) (unknown episodes) 3. "Invasion Iowa" (2005) TV Series (co-executive producer) (unknown episodes) (producer) (unknown episodes) 4. "Joe Schmo 2" (2004) TV Series (senior consulting producer) (unknown episodes) 5. "The Joe Schmo Show" (2003) TV Series (senior episode producer) (unknown episodes) 6. "The Surreal Life" (2003) TV Series (producer) (unknown episodes) 7. "The X Show" (1999) TV Series (producer) (unknown episodes) 8. "Prime Time Country" (1996) TV Series (show producer) (unknown episodes) Miscellaneous Crew: 1. "Worst Case Scenarios" (2002) TV Series (story editor) (unknown episodes) 2. "Big Brother" (2000/II) TV Series (story editor) (unknown episodes, 2001) ... aka Big Brother 2 (USA: second season title) ... aka Big Brother 3 (USA: third season title) ... aka Big Brother 4: The X-Factor (USA: fourth season title) ... aka Big Brother 5: Project DNA - Do Not Assume (USA: fifth season title) ... aka Big Brother 6: Summer of Secrets (USA: sixth season title) ... aka Big Brother All-Stars (USA: seventh season title)
He was always a funny guy, so it's not surprising that he's found some success in Hollywood. Unfortunately there' still only one post in the IMDB discussion area devoted to JHM. It was left by Rich Holt several years back:
Yeah, I knew this guy in college. Slept a lot. Often ordered largest drink possible.
He's currently working on the "Larry The Cable Guy's Christmas Special." The most surprising news to me was that he recently ran (or as he put, "hobbled") his first marathon. I've neither ran nor hobbled one, so I'm quite impressed! The other big news, apart from some significant globetrotting, was that he made a cameo on Entourage. As he describes it:
Check out the episode of Entourage when they go to the U2 show and check out yours truly on screen with the cast. You can Netflix it. Fun fact: I EPed a show for Spike that was a sketch comedy/animation/hodge podge about the videogame culture and Turtle was supposed to host but his "Entourage" contract prohibited him from doing other cable projects.
Like a forerunner of Will Traveler, I'm pretty sure Barley was able to avoid appearing in any photos during college because I can't think on any that he is in. I'll have to try to track some down when we visit Nashville in August in case he really gets famous. I'm proud of Barley. He seems to have done well. He also sent me some photos from a recent Sonic Youth show he attended where they played "Daydream Nation" in its entirety in honor of its 20th anniversary. It was a Sonic Youth show in 1990 (in support of "Goo" instead of "Daydream Nation") that was the first of many concerts that James Lashlee and I attended together at Lipscomb. James is also the dude (along with Bill A.) who should have some photos of Barley if any of the ladies are interested.
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