I missed the games last Saturday because Lisa and I were in NC for my 20th high school reunion. It seems like it was a bad day to miss.
Unlike weeks 1 and 3 when Finn only carried the ball once each, he apparently had 4 or 5 nice carries. They tied a tough team 3 scores a piece. This week they won one TD to zero. Finn played center and defensive line.
In weeks 1 and 3 Elliot carried the ball a hand full of times each, picking up positive yardage but not breaking anything big. In week 2 I missed seeing him make a very long run that almost went for a TD. They lost 13 to 6. Like they did the first week, they shot themselves in the foot with several fumbles. This week they got killed 35 (or 42?) to 0. Fumbles were a big problem again. We had to focus on small victories today...like the 3 first downs that they managed to pick up...more than the total number that their opponents had given up during the first two games.
Rumor has it that Elliot is going to play QB during the second half of the season...
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