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Jeff Corwin

This has been a weekend full of activities. Friday night we went to the Gemini concert at the Creative Spirit Center. Saturday morning Elliot had his first basketball class at the community center. Saturday afternoon we sat on the front row of the sold out Jeff Corwin show at the Midland Center for the Arts. It was an enjoyable show, especially from our close vantage point. Lisa was smitten. Here are some photos and a video. The video is of some kids about to hold an alligator...and one of the kids was really shaking in his boots. 20070203-140039.jpg


metroland.GIFTonight we watched Metroland (1997,R). It stars Christian Bale and Emily Watson. The soundtrack by Mark Knopfler wasn't an asset in my opinion. From the synopsis on

A man mired in a suburban 9-to-5 existence recalls with frustration the bohemian party life he lived in Paris a decade earlier.

I thought it was OK. I couldn't help picturing each of the characters in other roles they've played...not a good sign. I give it 3 out of 5.

Holey Socks

socks.jpgFrom The Washington Post's Reliable Source (photo from Yahoo! News photo):

The fashion police came to the rescue of World Bank president Paul Wolfowitz, who made worldwide headlines by revealing his holey socks at a mosque in Turkey last weekend. A Gold Toe rep delivered 21 pairs of dress socks to his office yesterday (labeled "rush delivery"), Turkish sock manufacturers mailed a dozen pairs, and employees also presented him with a pair.

NFL's lawyers sack church's game plan

Watch out on Sunday...the NFL may be after you. From an article by Robert King in the Indianapolis Star:

The thousands of churches across the country that want to host Super Bowl parties Sunday night had better not pull out big-screen TVs, or they could face the wrath of NFL attorneys. The NFL is telling Fall Creek Baptist Church in Indianapolis that the church's plans to use a wall projector to show the game at a party for church members and guests would violate copyright laws.

The league even took exception to the church's plan to influence nonmembers with a video highlighting the Christian testimonies of Colts coach Tony Dungy and Chicago Bears coach Lovie Smith.

For groups that want to host Super Bowl parties -- other than sports bars and businesses that normally show televised sports -- here are rules the NFL says must be followed:

  • No admission fees (even to pay for snacks).
  • Only one television (55 inches or smaller).
  • No use of the words "Super Bowl" in promotional materials.
  • No exhibition of the game in connection with events "that promote a message."

Source: NFL



On my flight back from Texas today, one of the guys sitting beside me told me that, despite nearing retirement age, he and his wife are in the process of adopting their 5-year-old granddaughter because neither their son nor the girl's mom wanted the responsibility of taking care of a child. This reminded me of my flight from Amsterdam to Detroit last Sunday. I'll write much more about my trip to Belgium/the Netherlands later when I get around to it, but I want to go ahead and tell this story lest I forget to tell it later. On the flight from Amsterdam, there was a man across the isle to my left who was on his way back from Russia. He and his wife are in the process of adopting two Russian kids (ages 5 and 9, or something like that) and had been there visiting them and taking steps to complete the adoption. In the row in front of me was a dad and his teenage daughter. They were returning form Africa (Zambia?) with a little girl (maybe age 9) whom their family was adopting. The wife and the rest of the kids were going to meet them at the airport in Detroit. I thought it was kind of unusual to be sitting so close to two international adoption stories on that flight. In Detroit, as I was going through customs, I heard loud clapping and cheering coming from the area where people emerge from customs and greet the public. I quickly looked over, wondering what was happening. I couldn't see much, but I caught a glimpse of the dad who was returning from Africa. I realized that what I had heard and glimpsed was a bunch of people warmly and enthusiastically welcoming to America the little girl from Africa. It was beautiful!


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