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3 out of 5

Team America: World Police

200pxTakenposterToday I finished watching Team America: World Police (2004,R) (Screen It! Review). From Wikipedia:

The film tells the story of an overzealous gang of anti-terrorist "global peace" enforcers known as Team America. Much of the film is a parody of the Bush Administration's War on Terror. Most of the heroes and villains represent extreme caricatures of both conservative and liberal attitudes towards the war, and American foreign policy in general. The film also heavily parodies the clichés of other action movies...

Though highly vulgar and profane, the lampooning of the haphazardly executed war on terror and the penchant of "Hollywood liberals" to step into politics was amusing.

Batman Begins

Batman_begins.jpgToday I finished watching Batman Begins (2005,PG-13) (Screen It! Review). From Wikipedia:

Batman Begins is a 2005 motion picture based on the Batman character created by Bob Kane and Bill Finger, directed by Christopher Nolan and written by Nolan and David S. Goyer. Although it is the fifth live-action Batman movie since 1989, the movie is a neither a prequel nor a sequel to the previous Tim Burton/Joel Schumacher movies, but rather a re-start of the movie franchise.

After hearing so many people tell me that this was good, I was more disappointed to see that it was unremarkable. I give it 3 out of 5.

The Prisoner of Zenda

Today I finished watching The Prisoner of Zenda (1937). From Wikipedia:

It tells the story of a man who has to impersonate a king, whom he happens to closely resemble, when the king is abducted by enemies on the eve of his coronation.

It was mildly enjoyable. It's certainly a crime for me to give it the same score I gave The Nutty Professor, but that's what I'm going to do. Obviously, my rating is intended to gauge how much I enjoyed the films, not their objective intrinsic merit. I give it 3 out of 5.

The Nutty Professor

Nutty_professor.jpg Today we also watched Eddie Murphy's remake of The Nutty Professor (1996,PG-13) (Screen It! Review). From Wikipedia:

A 1996 remake starred Eddie Murphy as nice university professor Sherman Klump, suffering from severe obesity. He invents a miracle weight loss potion so he can seduce the girl of his dreams.

This was loaned to us by a friend from our small group after he and our preacher were fondly reminiscing about all the fart jokes. Yes, we have an interesting preacher. I give it 3 out of 5.

Sense and Sensibility

200px-Sense_and_sensibility_cover.jpgToday the chick flick film series continued with Sense and Sensibility (1995,PG). I'm sure I must have seen it in the theaters, but I guess 10 years was enough to erase all memories. Or maybe it was so bland that no memories were ever made. This is the kind of movie that I often like, but somehow this one never grabbed me. I give it 3 out of 5. From wikipedia:

Jane Austen's novel Sense and Sensibility (1811) was adapted into a 1995 film by Emma Thompson, for which she received general acclaim as well as the 1996 Academy Award. The film was directed by Ang Lee. It is faithful to the book, although some liberties are taken. Like all of Jane Austen's novels, Sense and Sensibility is as much a commentary on 18th Century society as a romance. The film captures the plight of genteel ladies "of no fortune" during that period.


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