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The 1/2 Hour News Hour Part 2

Halfhournewshour_logo.jpgThe second episode of The 1/2 Hour News Hour aired last night. I thought it was even less funny than the first episode. On the other hand, there was one segment where the correspondents were discussing various terrorist acts and trying to figure out what was the common thread between them. As the names of the perpetrators were read one after the other, it was obvious that the common thread was that they were all muslim. The joke was that the correspondents had a hard time figuring it out since everyone knows that "Islam is a religion of peace." Lisa thought that segment was quite funny. Me, not so much.

TV Picks from The Week for Mar 5-11, 2007

Some of the TV recommendations from this week's issue of The Week:

Heroes/The Office Mashup

Three Seasons

threeseasons.GIFWhile running on the treadmill this afternoon, I finished watching Three Seasons (1999,PG-13) (ScreenIt! Review). From the Wikipedia entry:

Three Seasons is an American Vietnamese language movie filmed in Vietnam about the past, present, and future of Ho Chi Minh City in the early days of New Vietnam. It is a poetic film that tries to paint a picture of the urban culture undergoing westernization. The movie takes place in Ho Chi Minh City, formerly Saigon. As the characters try to come to terms with the invasion of capitalism, neon signs, grand 5-star hotels, and Coca-Cola signs, their paths begin to merge.

It has a plodding pace, but I don't mind. I give it 4 out of 5.

I am filled with Christs love

200px-Saved!_movie_poster.jpgTonight I finished watching Saved! (2004,PG-13) (ScreenIt! Review). From the ScreenIt! Review:

After becoming pregnant following her attempts to cure her boyfriend of his homosexuality, a teen finds her fundamentalist beliefs tested.

My favorite scene was when Hillary Faye yells "I am filled with Christ's love" while throwing her Bible at Mary and striking her in the back. What a great metaphor for how Christians often throw the Bible at other sinners without love while at the same time implicitly claiming to be filled with Christ's love. Another interesting tidbit from Wikipedia:

During a scene where Cassandra fakes speaking in tongues, the original script called for Hilary Faye and Mary to speak in tongues as well. In the commentary, Moore reveals that the woman who was training her and Eva Amurri to speak tongues gave them phrases to repeat, including "she bought a Hyundai" and "untie my bowtie."

And what Mary said looking at her newborn baby:

Life is too amazing to be this random and meaningless consequence of the universe. There had to be a God out there or something. Something inside. You just had to feel it...and when you think about it, what would Jesus do? I don't know, we'll be trying to figure it out together.

And The Replacements' songs at the prom. I give it 4 out of 5.


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