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The MythBusters

This is a fun show on the Discovery Channel.  I've watched a few episodes...with myths like these:

It's possible to swing all the way around on a swing set.

The daddy long legs the world's most venomous spider.

Diving under water can save you from gunfire.

either busted or confirmed.

"Each week special-effects experts Adam Savage and Jamie Hyneman take on three myths and use modern-day science to show you what's real and what's fiction.  That's right, they do more than explain how something may or may not be scientifically possible. Through trial and error they actually demonstrate it."

Elliot's New Favorite TV Show: Corwin's Quest

"In this adventurous series, filmed over many months in five continents, Jeff explores several themes or sensory qualities of animal behavior, including sound, smell, diet, defense, attack and survival."

TV may turn four-year-olds into bullies

According to a study published in the Archives of Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine and reported in New Scientist, "Young children who watch a lot of television are more likely to become bullies, a new study reveals. The authors suggest the increasingly violent nature of children's cartoons may be to blame."


30 Days with Morgan Spurlock

30 Days with Morgan Spurlock
Wednesdays 10 PM eastern on FX.

A TV show by Morgan Spurlock, of "Super Size Me" fame, subjects other people to 30 days of their own personal hell on his new FX.  A Christian will live in a Muslim community, a homophobe will live with gay people, fossil fuel-dependent 30-somethings will live off the grid, and a mother will binge drink to try to identify with her daughter's life. On the show's first episode, Spurlock and his fiancee moved from New York to the midwest, where they worked minimum-wage jobs for a month.

We watched this for the first time tonight (the Christian living with Muslims episode) and enjoyed it.  We enjoyed Super Size Me too.


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