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Wedding Crashers


Tonight's feature film was Wedding Crashers (R). Not the finest specimen of cinema ever but worth of few chuckles. Owen and Vince are enjoyable. I give it 3 out 5. From

Two committed womanizers spend their weekends crashing weddings to take advantage of the romantic tinge in the air. They find themselves at odds with each other when one of them actually falls in love.

Serenity Again


Tonight we watched Serenity with the Lashlees. We enjoyed watching it a second time. Some browncoats on the internet recently started an effort to collect donations before deciding that maybe that isn't the most effective way to bring back Firefly. Serenity gets 5 out of 5.

The Bourne Supremacy


On Saturday night we watched The Bourne Supremacy (PG-13) with the Lashlees. It was a decent action film. It had sort of been too long since we had seen the first Bourne movie, so we had a little trouble remembering if there was anything that we should have recollect from that film that would have helped us follow this one. I give it an 3 out of 5.

Best Christian Albums has compiled a list of the best Christian albums of 2005. We've never been that into contemporary Christian music, but that seems to be changing. During 2005, we saw three of the artists from the "best of" list live in concert (Andrew Petersen, Sara Groves, and Jars of Clay).

#12 Ashley Cleveland - Men and Angels Say
#11 House of Heroes - House of Heroes
#10 Eisley - Room Noises
#9 Bart Millard - Hymned No. 1
#8 Andrew Peterson - The Far Country
#7 Jars of Clay - Redemption Songs
#6 4th Avenue Jones - Stereo: The Evolution of HipRockSoul
#5 Sara Groves - Add to the Beauty
#4 Mae - The Everglow
#3 David Crowder Band - A Collision or (3+4=7)
#2 Over the Rhine - Drunkard's Prayer
#1 Switchfoot - Nothing Is Sound

I Heart Huckabees

Today we had movie night.  The boys watched The Land Before Time: The Invasion of the Tinysauruses.  The adults watched I ♥ lists Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, Flirting with Disaster, Magnolia, Short Cuts, and Waking Life as "Close Movie Matches" for Huckabees.  I liked all of those (especially Spotless Mind and Flirting with Disaster), but we did not enjoy Huckabees.

I give it 2 out of 5.


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